Time to toot.

It’s that time.  Toot time.  As in, time to toot my own horn Winking smile

Kelly, who blogs at Foodie Fresh, nominated me to participate in a fun game (of sorts) that’s sweeping the blogosphere.  It’s called “My 7 Links” and the goal is to unite bloggers (from all sectors) in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again.


1) Blogger is nominated to take part
2) Blogger publishes his/her 7 links on his/her blog – 1 link for each category.
3) Blogger nominates up to 5 more bloggers to take part.
4) These bloggers publish their 7 links and nominate another 5 more bloggers
5) And so it goes on!
6) We’ll be sharing the best posts from participating bloggers on our blog and everyday on Facebook and Twitter at #My7Links

 Red heartMy 7 LinksRed heart

#1—>  *My Beautiful Post *     This IS a food blog after all Smile

#2—>  *My Most Popular Post*     Overnight Oats For Dummies.  So many people just do not understand the OO concept.  Whenever someone asks me what I’m eating, I always preface it with “OK this is going to sound really gross but…”  Smile

#3—>  *Most Controversial*  I tried to recall a controversial post, and honest to god I could not think of one.  This makes sense given my hatred for conflict.  So, in lieu of inciting anger here’s this post that is SOMEWHAT controversial… at least my brother might think so Winking smile –> Two Random Things

#4—>  *Most Helpful*  I love to reflect on this post when things get crazy at work, and it applies to ALL jobs, not just taxes:  10 Tips for Tax Season. Given that I’m rolling into fall busy season, this is an especially appropriate time to remember to bust our my daily happy dance.  Shout out to all my old coworkers in Ohio Smile

#5—>  *Most Surprise Success*  Maker’s Mark Bananas Foster Bread.  Not sure why, but this get A LOT of googlage.  Well that and “pizza porn,” which is now officially the third most common search that links people to my blog.  Oh dear.

#6—>  *Not Enough Attention*  Words of wisdom from my mom.  You can NEVER get enough of those.  NEVER.

#7—>  *Most Proud*  Hello Cat, please exit the bag.  The result of EVERYONE and their mother assuming I was moving to CLT for a boy.  I don’t know why, but every time someone would make that insinuation I would literally go red with rage.  From family, to coworkers, to a PARTNER at my old employer, it didn’t matter.  RED RUM… RED RUM…………….

Lovely ladies I’ve nominated to participate:  Leashie Loo from All Kinds of Hungry,  Andrea from Can You Stay for Dinner, Jamie from Bibliophiled Away, Jaci from Engaged and Running, and Shanna from Shanna Like Banana!

Psssttttt by the way, the winner of the Veggies Chips Giveaway is:


~*~ Hope from With a Side of Hope ~*~

(Note that I removed Scott from the giveaway since he was the sponsor.  It’s only fair he can’t win his own prize Smile )



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I gave up cereal.


My grumbling belly wants to know why the heck I’ve decided to torture myself in such a way, given my well-known love and infatuation for cereal. Why would I willingly rip such a dependable source of joy from my life?  And what the heck did cereal do to deserve this unjust exile?


Lately, I’ve turned into a major snack monster.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m all about snacking and eating small meals throughout the day.  I’m also all about incorporating lots of delicious yet nutritious treats into my day.  And apparently I’m also all about grabbing fistfuls of cereal and shoving them into my mouth every time I step foot into my kitchen.  A handful of puffins after breakfast to cleanse the palet… a handful for my pre-dinner snack… you know, just to hold me over…  and while we are at it, why not throw in a late night bowl o’ cereal to settle my tummy before bed?

Cereal and I, we have a LONG history.

This was, at one point, my favorite Friday night ritual after all:


My infatuation runs so deep that it’s not abnormal for my pantry to have five+ open boxes of cereal on any given day.


A while back I caught on to my cereal addiction.  I think it was sometime around the day I decided, after scouring every aisle of the grocery store in search of a fabulous dinner feast, that of ALL THE THINGS the grocery store offered me, I’d most like to have THIS for dinner:  /

(You may have noticed I’ve now pictured wine twice in this post.  Yes, I like to drink wine with my cereal.  No, I’m sure as hell not giving up wine.)

It was around that time that I started using a small coffee mug to dole out my cereal portions rather than a bowl, which enabled me to still get my cereal fix without going overboard.  But it’s a slippery slope, my friends.  Eventually one mug of cereal turned into two…  then two turned into three…  and as a CPA I am confident that 3 mug-fulls of cereal is equivalent to a crapload.  And god knows how many bowls four fistfuls of cereal is equal to.  I mean, I do have freakishly large hands after all.


So in an effort to nip this snack monster issue in the butt, I’ve decided to give up cereal for the rest of busy season (AKA through September 15th for you non-tax folk).  And on that day when busy season once again comes to a screeching hault, I will be wiser, stronger, and fully prepared to have a sweet sweet reunion with the my beloved cereal.


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Recipe: Jambalaya {bad things happen when I don’t eat}

Somehow in the past few months I seemed to have forgotten my passion for cooking.  Let’s take a moment to ponder how the heck this is even possible.  Somewhere between leaving a job of over four years, attempting to sell a house, subsequently becoming a landlord, selling off and donating an insane amount of my possessions, a crazy condo hunt, leaving my family and home state of 26 years, a HORRIBLE moving experience, starting a new job, and immersing myself in the culinary delights of a new city I forgot how much fun and just how darn rewarding a home cooked meal can be.


Through these past few whirlwind months I’ve been a little *ahem* emotional.  Ok, not just emotional.  Let’s also throw in irrational, brash, and downright scary at times.  This Saturday I actually cried over burnt pizza.  I CRIED, PEOPLE.  And then I sat on the living room floor with my knees clenched up to my chest and just stared off into nothingness as my body seethed in furry searching for some sort of carbohydrate to peak my bottomed out blood sugar.

I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again:  bad things happen when I don’t eat.

While I was in the midst of nuclear shutdown, the BF came over, sat down beside me, and put his arm around his little sugar feigning zombie.  And we sat.  And then he did what any good man would do:  he didn’t talk, didn’t ask questions, he just got up from the floor sauntered over to the kitchen and made me a snack.

I know, right?

Why can’t I see things so simply?  Is it really just a man thing?  Are women really just crazy complex, overanalyzing, (often) emotional basket cases?  Whatever the case may be (lord knows I don’t have the answers) the BF does a pretty darn good job of reeling me back from Mary’s Land of Anxious Gloom by trying to insert some of the simple things into my life.  Sunday morning he convinced me to simply sit on the porch and drink mimosas, and Sunday night we simply made jambalaya for dinner.


This was simply stick to your ribs delicious, guys.  I’m serious.  It gave the jambalaya we had in New Orleans a run for the money!



Recipe adapted from Cooking Light’s Jambalaya.

  • 2 links hot chicken or turkey sausage (cooked and sliced)
  • 1 cup white onion (chopped)
  • 1/2 cup celery (chopped)
  • 1/2 cup green pepper (chopped)
  • 3 cloves garlic (minced)
  • 1.5 cups uncooked long grain brown rice
  • 3 cups fat-free low-sodium chicken broth
  • 1 tbsp paprika (smoked, if you have it)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepepr
  • 16oz cooked chicken breast (cubed)
  • 14.5oz can diced tomatoes with green peppers and onions (undrained)
  • 4oz shrimp (uncooked)
  • 1/2 cup green onions (thinly sliced)

Note:  I recommend Uncle Ben’s Fast & Natural Whole Grain Brown Rice and Harris Teeter hot chicken sausage or Jennie-O Turkey Sausage.

Step 1:  Coat a large pot with cooking spray then heat over medium-high heat. Add sausage, onion, green pepper, celery, and garlic. Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook 12 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally.

Step 2:  Stir in uncooked rice and cook for two minutes, stirring constantly. Add broth and all the spices and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 15 minutes.

Step 3:  Add chicken and tomatoes, half of the green onions, and shrimp. Stir, then cover and cook 8 minutes or until shrimp are done.

Step 4:  Remove from heat, sprinkle with remaining green onions, and eat your face off.

Stats on 1 serving: 344 calories, 45g carbs, 6g fat, 33g protein, 4g fiber


Looking for a Jambalaya-for-one recipe?  Check out this post.

Looking for a crazy, borderline incoherent, slightly volatile woman?  Catch me on a day when I miss my midmorning snack.


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Eff you monday.

My favorite part of the weekend is the early morning.  That coveted part of the morning when most sane people are still sleeping even though the sun is starting to joyously creeping its way across the sky.  Early enough that the roads are clear and the city is calm and you tiptoe even if no one else is around just because.  I actually look forward to waking up early on the weekends–I dare say it actually brings me JOY.  It’s my own little slice of time to do whatever the heck I want.  To be agenda-free and commitment free.  Time to think or not think.  Time to just be, which happens to be my favorite time of all.

This morning, let me clarify—this MONDAY morning—I awoke not filled with bliss and excitement for the day but rather cranky, angry even, and ready to flip Monday a big fat bird.

Why can’t weekday mornings be peaceful and indulgent too?  Who the heck put weekday mornings into a class of untouchables?  And more importantly, WHY?!

So today I said “eff you Monday.”

And I plopped myself down on the living room floor with a special weekend inspired breakfast.


A little black coffee and a leggo my eggo topped with vanilla greek yogurt and blueberries:


And I sat and enjoyed my selfish unproductivity and this deliciously sweet breakfast while the precious weekday minutes melted away…


And then I did something just downright crazy.  On this Monday morning I sat still for a whole 25 minutes and watched an episode of Sex and the City Smile


And just like that, Monday morning became ever so slightly less unbearable.


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