Rugelach… Rugelwhat?

If you’re like me, each morning when you sit down at your desk  and open up your inbox you secretly hope to see one of THOSE emails.  They come with subjects like “Goodies in the kitchen!” or “Get it while it’s hot!” or simply “DOUGHNUTS.”  These are glorious emails:  ones that don’t result in agitation or stress or silent shaking of an angry fist at the monitor.  These emails confirm your department has, in fact, employed an angel, and the treats–be they muffins, homemade cookies, or (if you’re really lucky) the GOOD bagels–turn what might otherwise be a monotonous beginning to the daily grind into a full out PARTAYYY.

OK, maybe not a partayyy, per se, but they definitely make everyone a lot more smiley throughout the day.

Today, we got one of these very emails letting us know there were “rugelachs” in the library for our eating pleasure.  Rugelachs?  The library?!  Yes, we have a library chock full of old tax filings and millions of pages of decaying tax code and free rugelachs.  My first though was, rugelach?  What the heck is that?  I pounced from my desk to the library, camera in hand, all the while asking myself–what is a rugelach?!

The rugelachs looked amazing, especially considering the sheer quantity!   As soon as I got back to my desk, I googled “rugelachs.”  Turns out they are Jewish pastries made from a cream cheese dough rolled croissant-style around a filling.  I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced rug-a-luck, but I wouldn’t bet on it…

We had chocolate and cinnamon rugelachs today, so I grabbed one of each to try.  That’s what happens when I’m around the treats and no one is looking.


I was surprised (and glad) that the rugelachs weren’t very sweet.  The dough was soft, not crispy and flaky like pastries typically are, and each rugelach was about 3 bites big.  The chocolate was my favorite, but I think a jam-filled rugelach with chopped nuts would be divine.

I felt a little guilty eating two of the pastries, but then a coworker (who shall remain unnamed) confessed to eating twelve.  TWELVE!  Kudos to you, G, kudos.

Rugelach recipes to try:



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  1. We made amazing rugelach at my bakery, Metropolitan, in South Park, for many years. Our recipe was from Michael London in New York, who was called “America’s best baker” in Saveur magazine a few years ago. I also recommend Ina Garten’s recipe and Dorie Greenspan’s. They are remarkably easy to make and delicious. I make a Nutella & chopped chocolate one that is very yummy.

  2. they are pronouced rug-a-luch (ch, being representing the sound of a letter from the hebrew language (Chet), sounds kind of like you are trying to clear your throat).
    also the term rugelach is already in plural, hence saying rugelachs is incorrect. (they are never made/bought in singular, so there is no real word for ONE of these delectable treats).

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