I’m doing this for ME.

Last night, I set my morning alarm for 6am to give myself ample time to get an interval training session in.  This morning, after hitting the snooze several times, I rolled out of bed at 6:40.  All the while, I was mentally debating with myself.  I’m too tired to run…  I’ll do the elliptical after work…  I’ve got sooo much work to do, I should just head into work early..  on and on.

I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.  Why was I trying to prevent myself from exercising?  I stood in the bathroom for a good 5 minutes, and finally said (out loud) I am doing this for MENot for my job, not as my duty, not for any of you lovely readers out there or any of my friends and family.  I am doing this for ME.  That was the swift kick in the butt I needed.  Out the door I went!

Stats on the 3 x 3 interval:


As you can see, I wasn’t able to do the last interval of running.  I was feeling some stiffness/tension in my knee so I decided to walk it.  Honestly, I’d be happy with myself even if I walked for the whole 30 minute straight.  At least I got my toosh out the door!

Breakfast #1

During last night’s cooking bonanza, I cooked up 3 servings of scrambled eggs & roasted broccoli for B#1 Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

This batch consisted of 9 egg whites, 3 whole eggs, a splash of water, S&P, Red Pepper Flakes, and Frank’s Red Hot.

I divided the scrambled eggs and broccoli evenly into three containers, one of which I enjoyed at my desk this morning:


Stats on B#1:  163 Calories, 12g carbs, 5g fat, 19g protein, 2g fiber

Breakfast #2

At the Healthy Living Summit this past weekend, the conversation inevitably turned to overnight oats.  Many of the ladies I talked to said they prefer to use whole oats over quick oats.  When I told them I preferred quick oats because of the awesome creamy consistency, Andrea @ Can you stay for dinner asked if it was like Muesli.  Whelp, I’ve never had muesli before so last night I picked some up at the grocery store!

The back of the package has a recipe for “Swiss Oats” which consisted of 1/4 cup muesli + 1/2 cup liquid (milk, water, etc).  So I went with:

  • 1/4 cup Muesli
  • 1/2 cup Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • Sprinkling of cinnamon

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This morning, I added 3 large strawberries + 1/3 cup blueberries to the mix:

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This was pretty tasty!  I do prefer my quick oats though.. but I definitely want to give the Muesli a shot warm instead of cold.  Mmmm I can picture myself eating warm museli on a cold morning… speaking of which, who’s ready for Fall?  I am!

Stats on B#2:  189 Calories, 37g carbs, 5g fat, 5g protein, 7g fiber


Also during the Tuesday-Night-Cookfest, I cooked up a burger for lunch today.  The burger consisted of:

  • 1/2 lb 95% lean ground beef
  • 1/4 cup chopped red onion (I usually use white onion, but didn’t have any on hand)
  • 1/4 tsp garlic salt
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper

I put the burger on a pepperdige farm 7 grain deli flat, then topped it with ketchup, mustard, tomato, onion, banana pepper rings, and a big handful of alfafa sprouts.  On the side, I had some cucumber salad (half a sliced cucumber + dried dill + white vinegar + water):


I don’t think I’ve ever put sprouts on a burger before… But you can’t deny that this looks AWESOME:


Stats on Lunch:  340 Calories, 35g carbs, 6g fat, 33g protein, 8g fiber

Snack Time!

Today, I tried out the Chai Spice Kardea all natural cholestorol management bar:

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For some reason, chai always reminds me of pumpkins!  I LOVE pumpkins, and I loved this bar.  I just wish the flavors were a little STRONGER.

Speaking of things I’m doing for ME, I bought my ticket to FitBloggin today 🙂

QUESTION:  Do you guys ever “mentally” debate with yourself over whether or not to work out?  How do you get past it?

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  1. Hi Mary! Great post! I literally went back and forth with myself the whole way home from work. I live in Rockland county and commute to Manhattan each day. So that commute which is an hour and 15 min each way gave me some time to go back and forth with myself. Long story short i’m really HARD on myself. I have these strict rules that I make and if I break them then I literally think that i’ve failed. I have this mentality that I always need to be perfect at everything! So going back to your question, yes I go back and forth with myself but i’m actually glad that I won this time. I did NOT go to the gym tonight. I was too exhausted and hungry and just in a blah mood that I listened to my body and stayed home.

    Props to you though for running this morning!

    1. WOW, Michelle! And I thought my 20-30 minute drive was bad! I’m glad you listened to your body, and didn’t over do it. Balance is so important in life, and it’s DEFINITELY something I struggle with.

  2. 1. im super glad you bought your ticket.
    2. confession – i havent ran since the 5K.. and i forget that the running is for ME. I need to get in shape, take care of my body, etc. I think working on getting rid of my ‘once this is over’ attitude and making it a priority.. things will get better.. thanks for the inspiration!

  3. I fight with myself ALL the TIME when I have to get up early and workout/run. I think it’s because I love sleep so much. I think I’d pretty much rather sleep than do anything else…

    I think it’s awesome how good you are at preplanning your meals! That’s something I’ve actually started working on since HLS 🙂

  4. sprouts are really good for you!

    omg i have mental debates EVERY DAY about working out. it’s like my fitness life and my social life BATTLING IT OUT!!

    it’s kinda funny…kinda psychotic. hehe 🙂

  5. I promise myself a treat if I win the mental battle, like a five-pound box of chocolate, a bucket of fried chicken . . .

  6. I am totally a morning person. I never hit the snooze button; I rarely over sleep; and I’m generally pretty peppy in the morning. Except when it comes to getting up for AM exercise! I don’t know what it is about morning exercise, but it turns me into someone who can’t drag her butt out of bed for anything.

    Last Thursday I laid in bed for 5 minutes debating between getting up to run and 45 more minutes of sleep. Finally I reasoned with myself tha I would feel better after the run than I would after 45 more minutes of crappy sleep.

  7. I’m so glad that you bought your ticket! I might have mentioned that you talked me into it too. 😉

    I have to convince myself to go to the gym after work all the time. I just want to go home, but I know I will feel better if I just go and get it done!

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