The great salad extraction…

Before we get into my salad debacle, let’s recap breakfast!

Breakfast #1

While getting ready for work this morning, I realized I wanted NEEDED eggs for breakfast.  I was already crunched for time, and considered passing on my fav B#1, but then it dawned on me.  EGGINS. 

“Eggins” are baked eggs that I cook up in a muffin tin.  Get it?  Egg + Muffin = Eggin 😉 (bear with me… it is Monday after all). 

I had 9 eggs in the fridge, so I decided to go with 2 whole eggs and 7 egg whites.  I mixed these up with S&P, Frank’s Red Hot, and a splash of water, and then evenly distributed them into 6 regular size muffin tins.  I also threw 2 cups of broccoli into a pan that I had sprayed down with cooking spray.  I seasoned the broccoli with some S&P, then threw everything into the oven at 350 degrees for 25 minutes while I continued getting ready for work.

2 breakfasts in < 5 minutes prep.  Bada bing, bada boom 🙂

I had 1/2 of the above ingredients at work today with some ketchup, of course:

Stats:  171 calories, 12g carbs, 5g fat, 21g protein, 2g fiber

Breakfast #2

Blueberry Chobani + Strawberries:

Mixed into a fruity frenzy:


Stats: 163 calories, 26 g carbs, 0g fat, 14g protein, 2g fiber


Now we get to the salad debacle.  Yesterday, I went to my sister’s for a cookout and brought a huge salad.  There was a ton leftover, which meant lunch for today 😀

Sad story:  the lettuce in the salad was EXTREMELY wilty and soggy this morning.  If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s soggy lettuce (and olives–not that there were any olives involved in this story but I just want to make sure we are clear 👿 ). 

Wilty and yucky:

I’m not one to waste food, so I decided to perform a salad extraction.  In preparation for this procedure, I brought a bag of lettuce from the fridge at home.

My saviour:

Piece by piece I sifted through the salad pulling out any of the soggy pieces.

Icky bits:

Icky on the left, crispy on the right:

So fresh and so crisp, crisp:

I also had a Jennie O Turkey Sausage on the side with some mustard:

I may or may not have spent some time playing in the paint program over lunch…

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