PB2 Giveaway!!!

In an effort to get all you silent readers out there to post comments on my blog (so I don’t feel like I’m blogging to myself πŸ˜‰ ) I decided to do a PB2 giveaway!

PB2 is a powdered peanut butter product.Β  Basically, all the bad-for-you-ness is sucked out of the peanuts.Β  All you have to do is mix with water, and you have a healthy PB on you hands!

So here’s the deal:Β  post a comment on this PB2 Giveaway blog post by midnight Sunday July 4th.Β  I’ll use a random number generator to select the lucky recipient!

So get to commenting!Β  I’m interested to hear what you all have to say πŸ˜€

Pssst… to comment on this post, click the blueΒ “comment”Β link below.

Good luck!

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  1. Hi Mary!! I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now. Loving it!

    I’d LOVE to try PB2. I’ve heard such great reviews and I’m addicted to pb! I especially love to mix it in my fage 0% yogurt with 1 packet of stevia! It’s a great treat!!

    Have a great day!


  2. Dear Mary,

    I love your blog. I am sorry I have not commented electronically, but I think I have commented in person, so I still think that counts.. but I would like to try me some more of that PB2!!

    For the love of calorie counting,

  3. Your blog sucks! πŸ˜› Just kidding, I can’t get enough of the Fervent Foodie. I love your frequent fascinating food posts because I know I will always have something to read when I get bored at my miserable job. You are an inspiration to us all, except on Gionino’s days… then I realize you are still human. Really though, great job!!

  4. i guess i’m a silent reader…but it’s only because i don’t have my own! i enjoy reading your posts and would love to try PB2!

  5. I love food, too! And I’d love to try PB2–I want to mix it w/ my homemade greek yogurt to make PB mousse, but it’s not sold in my area.

  6. cute blog….lol i was just having that same feeling about my own blog! Ive never heard of this stuff and would love to give it a try!

    i have a little giveaway on my blog as well this week in case you would like to give it a try πŸ™‚

  7. OMG….. I would be SO PUMPED to get PB2……. I JUST started eating peanut butter again after a long separation. It does scare me A LOT…… so PB2 would be a yummy, but less scary alternative! Thanks for letting me know about this sweet giveaway!!
    PS….. overnight oats, apple, and PB or PB2= delicious!!!

      1. Yes I do!!! Teaching here (about 8hrs north of Tokyo) in the JET program. I only have about 30 days left (of the year I’ve been here) πŸ™ So, just in case I dooooo win, I do have a U.S. address πŸ˜€

  8. Mary! I’m so glad you e-mailed me so I could find your blog – love it!
    I’ve been seeing the PB2 around for a while but have yet to try it, so this would be FABULOUS!!! Anything to do with peanut butter totally rocks my socks πŸ™‚

  9. I’m your mother. I deserve the PB2. Give it to me or I’ll ground you. Okay, seriously, I love your blog too. BTW, where in the heck did you pick up all that women and empowerment stuff, huh? Huh? XOX

  10. I love your blog, every time I read it, it reminds me of how far you’ve come since your apt days of pasta and garlic bread…every. meal. Lol. it also reminds me that I should come to your house more often for dinner since I tend to burn everything I touch..except for salad, in which case, is oh-so fabulous! Love you, you lil’ chef you!
    Oh, the pb2 is quite tasty we have sold that at the pharmacy before

  11. Chocolate and Regular PB2 are both amazing! Try blending one with a bit of cottage cheese, banana and chocolate “carb countdown” milk for breakfast! Your taste bud’s and waistline will thank you..

  12. I have never had the chance to try PB2 before, but it looks like a great substitute for regular peanut butter. I was planning on making some peanut butter treats for my b-day party in july, so I would love to use this PB2 if I win your giveaway!! πŸ™‚

  13. I’ve never tried PB2 before, so I wanted to try winning this! Hehe. It sounds delicious and healthy. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to try this new find!

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