Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Whenever I think of the word “Sunday” in my head, I automatically hear “Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!” (think football/race announcer guy Jan Gabriel).
When I woke up this Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY! 😉  my body was begging for three things:  Coffee.  Eggs.  Ham.

So after throwing some coffee on, I got to work on a 4 egg white scramble with leftover deli ham from the jewelry party I had last week.   

4 egg whites, splash o' skim, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes


I also had some potatoes on the side.  That’s one of the best things about being at the BF’s — he keeps a GIANT container of pre-baked potatoes in his fridge.  😀   



Once the eggs were pretty much done scrambling,  I threw the ham and potatoes into the pan to heat up.  And breakfast was served!   

Sunday morning breakfast


After breakfast, I hunkered down and finally posted the clothes I’ve been wanting to sell on ebay.  I’m really glad to have that done with!  All that ebaying made me hungry, so I decided to give the barley breakfast bowl a go.   

My barley bowl consisted of 1/2 a serving of barley (cooked up last night and stuck in the fridge), 1 Chobani vanilla greek yogurt, and some blackberries and raspberries.   

Barley Breakfast Bowl


I loved the barley in the yogurt!  It was pretty filling too.    

I must be honest though, and this may be blasphemy, but I actually prefer dannon’s vanilla greek yogurt to Chobani!  I took a minute to compare the stats:   

Chobani has less carbs, more protein, and less sugar — so I’m hoping it grows on me!   

On the agenda today:   

  • Hit up the elliptical (Friday went well)
  • Finish light tent
  • Dinner with friends 😀
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I got eggs on the brain

TGIF!  :mrgreen:        

It’s Friday, and I’ve got eggs on the brain!  I think my body was upset with me for not taking the time to make eggs yesterday–so I decided to have them for breakfast AND lunch to make it up to myself!        

This morning, I took a look in the fridge to see what I could throw into an omelet.  I decided to go with 1 egg, 3 egg whites, splash o’ skim milk, chopped up red and yellow peppers, black beans, salsa, and spinach.  Kind of an odd combo… but throw some hott sauce on there and you’ve got a Mexicomelet!        

peppers and beans




  This was very yummy and very filling.  I should have topped it off with salsa, green onion, and a small dollop of sour cream (duh!) but that didnt dawn on me until I was half through devouring it.  Next time!        

B#1 Stats:  206 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat, 23g protein, 9g fiber        


For breakfast #2 I SLAMMED a Dannon Blueberry Greek Yogurt with some blackberries and 1/2 a 100 cal pack of  Emerald’s cocoa roast almonds crushed on top.        




 Greek yogurt is just amazing.  How did I live without it??  This was my first time trying the cocoa roast almonds–and I’m a big fan.  Went perfectly in the yogurt.        

B#1 Stats:  175 calories, 17g carbs, 4g fat, 18g protein, 3g fiber        


Today’s lunch menu:  EGGS.        

When I was young, my mom used to take me to a restaurant called the Sandwich Board.  Their egg salad sandwich had about 13 eggs and 2 pounds of bean sprouts on it, and I absolutely loved it!  So today for lunch I decided to make my own egg salad sandwich.          

I had light mayo in the fridge, but I really wasn’t feeling it.  So, I decided to try and make a healthified egg salad consisting of 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1 tbsp fat free sour cream, 1 tbsp mustard, green onion, salt, pepper, and dill weed served up with sprouts, tomato, and red onion in 1/2 a Joseph’s Low Carb Pita.         



This was a quite tasty first stab at healthy egg salad.  Note for next time:  double up on the seasonings, less sour cream, more mustard (as if it wasn’t yellow enough already).        

Egg Salad Pita Stats:  225 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat, 23g protein, 5g fiber        

On the side I had a dill pickle spear and some cucumber salad (cucumber, red onion, dill weed, and white vinegar).        

On the agenda this weekend are the following:        

  • Give the elliptical a go (and hope my knee holds up)
  • Flat bread pizza using Joseph’s lavash bread
  • Make a breakfast cookie (been dying to try these — it’s like a food blogger phenomena)
  • Make a lightbox
  • Post a bunch of clothes I don’t wear on ebay and hope for high bidders 😉
  • Make a barley breakfast bowl
  • Finish watching season #1 of Will & Grace, start on season #2 😀
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Hump day crackalacking

Happy Hump Day!  😀
Seems like the past few days I have been entirely devoted to preparing for the Jewelry Party!   Well today’s the day friends!  Those of you who know me well know that I L-O-V-E hosting parties.  I tend to over dedicate myself to them — but I really enjoy the whole preparation process.  Slightly weird, I know, but I’m ok with it.
Since this fervent foodie has to leave work early today to get ready for the ladies to come over for the Jewelry Party tonight, my meals for the day needed to be quick and light. 
Breakfast #1
3 Egg Whites, 12 Grain Bread with Sunflower Seeds, Broccoli, Squirt o’ ketchup

Breakfast #1 Stats:  173 Calories, 23g Carbs, 2g Fat, 17g Protein, 2g Fiber        

Breakfast 2:  Oikos Greek Honey Yogurt, Blackberries, and some Bear Naked Maple Pecan Granola     


Delish. I <3 Greek Yogurt


Love this


 Breakfast #2 Stats:  200 Calories, 32g Carbs, 2g Fat, 16g Protein, 3g Fiber     


Lunch:  Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wrap!  broccoli (meh..)  carrots and Trader Joe’s Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus (A-MAY-ZING).      

Lunch spread



 Lunch Stats:  283 Calories, 24g Carbs, 6g Fat, 33g Protein, 8g Fiber     


Looking forward to trying out some new recipes tomorrow and this weekend!!!   

Countdown til food and Bling:  T-minus 6 hours 😀

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B#1, B#2, L

I’ve never really tried to make an omelet before, but this morning it sounded like just what my belly was craving!  I’m sure there is a technique behind omelet making, but I decided to just throw everything in the pan and see what turned up.        

Breakfast #1 Omelet:  1 egg, 3 egg whites, splash skim milk, 1/2 cup broccoli, 1/4 chopped spinach, 1/8 cup salsa, Frank’s Red Hot        

My first omelet in the pan


My first omelet on the plate


Pleasantly surprised by how tasty the omelet was.  I was worried the top/inside wouldn’t cook through, so I ended up covering the pan with a lid for most of the cooking time.  This worked perfectly–the eggs were fluffy but not underdone.  Think I’ll pick up some canadian bacon at the grocery store to throw into my next omelet creation!        

Breakfast #1 Stats:  153 calories,  9g carbs,  5g fat,  20g protein, 2g fiber       


Dessert Breakfast #2 – I’ve been wanting to try a Luna bar for quite some time.  I usually eat breakfast/granola bars as snacks rather than meal replacements, and these bars are kind of high-calorie in my opinion (well they are if you eat the whole thing).    Several times over the past couple months I’ve picked up a Luna bar in the store, looked over the package, placed it in the cart, then subsequently put it back on the shelf and walked away as quickly as possible.  Yesterday, I happened to see them at a discount store so I grabbed a few.    I’m a sucker for a good deal 😀       

Luna Bars


When I unwrapped the Caramel Nut Brownie Luna Bar I was presently surprised.  It looked and smelled like a big fat candy bar.        

mmmm chocolatttteeee


So today’s dessert breakfast #2 consisted of  1/2 a Caramel Nut Brownie Luna Bar on top of some Dannon vanilla greek yogurt along with some blackberries.       

vanilla = not plain 😉


is this B#2 or dessert?? oh my gawd... so delicious.


 Stats for B#2:  215 calories,  34g carbs,  3g fat,  17g protein, 4g fiber       



Lunch today is a repeat of yesterday (boring, yet tasty) with some steamed broccoli.  Lettuce wrap in action:       


I also brought some carrot sticks and Trader Joe’s Jalapeno Cilantro hummus.  The hummus is so freaking good!  I can’t wait to try out some of the other hummus flavors they sell.       

carrots and hummus






  I literally licked the container clean.  This is why it is good I sit by myself at work 😀       

licked that sucker clean


Trader Joe is my homeboy 🙂      


On the agenda this evening:         

  • Mow my crazy overgrown backyard
  • Finish cleaning for the Jewelry Partayyyy (which is tomorrow evening)
  • Start Prepping food for party… menu selections to be posted this evening.
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Girl loves coffee

This morning, I literally sprung out of bed before the alarm went off because my body was subconsciously excited to try the coffee I picked up at Trader Joe’s yesterday.  Just the smell of coffee beans makes my mouth water and instantly improves my mood.

Trader Joe’s French Roast didn’t disappoint!

Breakfast #1 today was a 3 egg white scramble seasoned with my go-to seasoning combo:  salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes.

I served the egg whites up in 1/2 a Joseph’s low carb pita, and a bit o’ ketchup.

Egg white pita

Stats:  86 calories, 7g carbs, 1g fat, 14g Protein, 2g Fiber

Breakfast #2:  1/2 a Thomas’ Whole Wheat Bagel Thin and 1 tbsp Trader Joe’s almond butta with Trader Joe’s pomegranate Greek Yogurt!

gotta give it a good stir

Both the almond butter and the yogurt were DELICIOUS.  I’m now officially obsessed with Trader Joe’s!

Stats:  265 Calories, 27g carbs, 10g fat, 21g Protein, 5g Fiber


Lunch = Big ole salad with 2 tbs balsamic dressing and a Turkey/Ham Lettuce wrap with 1/2 a Laughing Cow french onion cheese wedge with some leftover Gionino’s hot sauce!

That's a lot of veggie action!
Lettuce wrap prior to rolling
Salad with balsamic vinegar
me holding my lettuce wrap like a trophy

I think it’s safe to say I have mastered the lettuce wrap 😀

Side note — how weird is this??

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