Saturday = QT with the yard

Happy Saturday!      

Early this morning I got a call from my dad saying he was on his way over to help me trim my trees in my backyard.  So I quickly dove into the breakfast cookie I made yesterday.  I think if you approach eating a breakfast cookie with the expectation that it will have the texture of an actual cookie you will be disappointed.  I took two bites and put it back in the fridge–the moist texture just wasn’t doing it for me.      

I quickly threw together an eggwich (1 egg (yolk poked), multi grain english muffin, squirt o’ ketchup).  As the eggwich was wrapping up, I decided to give the breakfast cookie a second go.  I cleared my head of thoughts of chocolately cookies and approached it with an open mind.  This actually worked!  The breakfast cookie is moist and slightly chewy–and I think you could really play around with the things you mix in to make it an A+ breakfast.  I think I might actually pop the rest of the cookie into the oven later — just to see if it would get me the texture of an actual cookie 😉      

Breakfast sammy:      



 Eggwich Stats:185 calories, 29g carbs, 6g fat, 10g protein, 5g fiber      

Breakfast cookie stats (stats are for whole cookie — I only ate 1/3): 303 calories, 31g carbs, 12g fat, 22g protien 8g fiber      

Back to the yard — I don’t know what happened this year, but my yard hit a major growth spurt.  It seemed over the course of one weekend all the plants and trees in my yard just exploded with new growth.  The trees in the backyard were so overgrown that they were actually laying on the house.  I couldn’t even see out the kitchen window!  Slowly but surely, I’m getting the yard into shape for cookout season.       

yard looks huge now that trees are trimmed up





After a couple of hours of work in the yard I was famished.  My doctor tells me I am hypoglycemic, which basically means I have low blood sugar.  There really isn’t anything you can do for low blood sugar–other than regulate your food intake and make sure you eat frequent nutritious meals.       

Up until this year, I never really took the time to plan out my meals and snacks for the day.  I would hardly eat anything in the mornings so that I could over indulge at lunch.  If I hit a lull where my blood sugar bottomed out, I’d chug a can of coke to get it to spike back up quickly.  Obviously, this is not the right approach and it was not good for my body.      

Now I make sure to take the time to plan out what I am going to eat each day.  I usually sit down the night before and enter everything into MyFitnessPal to make sure I’m not over or underdoing anything.  Though I don’t always stick to the plan to a T, I at least have healthy foods on hand to keep me energized and my blood sugar stable throughout the day.      

I don’t always do as good of a job eating regularly on the weekends.  When I’m out and about, food sometimes gets pushed to the wayside.  This is especially true when I am working on the yard.      

By the time I stopped to eat today I was shaking so bad I could barely hold the camera!  I quickly threw together a wrap using some leftover turkey and ham, tomato, onion, banana peppers, hot sauce, and 1/2 a Joseph’s lavash bread.       


Yes, I even had to take a bite before taking the picture!      

I think I’ll try out the turkey burger recipe I posted earlier in the week for dinner.  I’m really craving a big juicy burger and some fries right now.  We’ll see what I can whip up 🙂

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I got eggs on the brain

TGIF!  :mrgreen:        

It’s Friday, and I’ve got eggs on the brain!  I think my body was upset with me for not taking the time to make eggs yesterday–so I decided to have them for breakfast AND lunch to make it up to myself!        

This morning, I took a look in the fridge to see what I could throw into an omelet.  I decided to go with 1 egg, 3 egg whites, splash o’ skim milk, chopped up red and yellow peppers, black beans, salsa, and spinach.  Kind of an odd combo… but throw some hott sauce on there and you’ve got a Mexicomelet!        

peppers and beans




  This was very yummy and very filling.  I should have topped it off with salsa, green onion, and a small dollop of sour cream (duh!) but that didnt dawn on me until I was half through devouring it.  Next time!        

B#1 Stats:  206 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat, 23g protein, 9g fiber        


For breakfast #2 I SLAMMED a Dannon Blueberry Greek Yogurt with some blackberries and 1/2 a 100 cal pack of  Emerald’s cocoa roast almonds crushed on top.        




 Greek yogurt is just amazing.  How did I live without it??  This was my first time trying the cocoa roast almonds–and I’m a big fan.  Went perfectly in the yogurt.        

B#1 Stats:  175 calories, 17g carbs, 4g fat, 18g protein, 3g fiber        


Today’s lunch menu:  EGGS.        

When I was young, my mom used to take me to a restaurant called the Sandwich Board.  Their egg salad sandwich had about 13 eggs and 2 pounds of bean sprouts on it, and I absolutely loved it!  So today for lunch I decided to make my own egg salad sandwich.          

I had light mayo in the fridge, but I really wasn’t feeling it.  So, I decided to try and make a healthified egg salad consisting of 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1 tbsp fat free sour cream, 1 tbsp mustard, green onion, salt, pepper, and dill weed served up with sprouts, tomato, and red onion in 1/2 a Joseph’s Low Carb Pita.         



This was a quite tasty first stab at healthy egg salad.  Note for next time:  double up on the seasonings, less sour cream, more mustard (as if it wasn’t yellow enough already).        

Egg Salad Pita Stats:  225 calories, 20g carbs, 6g fat, 23g protein, 5g fiber        

On the side I had a dill pickle spear and some cucumber salad (cucumber, red onion, dill weed, and white vinegar).        

On the agenda this weekend are the following:        

  • Give the elliptical a go (and hope my knee holds up)
  • Flat bread pizza using Joseph’s lavash bread
  • Make a breakfast cookie (been dying to try these — it’s like a food blogger phenomena)
  • Make a lightbox
  • Post a bunch of clothes I don’t wear on ebay and hope for high bidders 😉
  • Make a barley breakfast bowl
  • Finish watching season #1 of Will & Grace, start on season #2 😀
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Girl loves coffee

This morning, I literally sprung out of bed before the alarm went off because my body was subconsciously excited to try the coffee I picked up at Trader Joe’s yesterday.  Just the smell of coffee beans makes my mouth water and instantly improves my mood.

Trader Joe’s French Roast didn’t disappoint!

Breakfast #1 today was a 3 egg white scramble seasoned with my go-to seasoning combo:  salt, black pepper, red pepper flakes.

I served the egg whites up in 1/2 a Joseph’s low carb pita, and a bit o’ ketchup.

Egg white pita

Stats:  86 calories, 7g carbs, 1g fat, 14g Protein, 2g Fiber

Breakfast #2:  1/2 a Thomas’ Whole Wheat Bagel Thin and 1 tbsp Trader Joe’s almond butta with Trader Joe’s pomegranate Greek Yogurt!

gotta give it a good stir

Both the almond butter and the yogurt were DELICIOUS.  I’m now officially obsessed with Trader Joe’s!

Stats:  265 Calories, 27g carbs, 10g fat, 21g Protein, 5g Fiber


Lunch = Big ole salad with 2 tbs balsamic dressing and a Turkey/Ham Lettuce wrap with 1/2 a Laughing Cow french onion cheese wedge with some leftover Gionino’s hot sauce!

That's a lot of veggie action!
Lettuce wrap prior to rolling
Salad with balsamic vinegar
me holding my lettuce wrap like a trophy

I think it’s safe to say I have mastered the lettuce wrap 😀

Side note — how weird is this??

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Too many onions to be P.C.

Last night it dawned on me that I consume more onions than is socially acceptable.  I don’t know when this obsession with onions started, but you’d be hard pressed to find a day in any given week where I don’t incorporate onions into at least 2 of my meals each day.  And I’ve also been known to indulge in the occasional onion sandwich…   

I <3 Onions    

Breakfast #1:  ONIONS!    


😉 maybe that will be tomorrow’s breakfast.  Today’s breakfast #1 actually consisted 1 egg, 3 egg whites, whole grain toast   

This looks familiar....

Side note = almost out of flax pita…   need to get my next netrition order together pronto!  Any suggestions?   

Breakfast #2:  Oatmeal with strawberries/blueberries   

Fruits by oats
Fruits + oats + cinnamon = 🙂 .... eggs + cinnamon = 🙁
Up close and gooey

Lunch:  “I’m in a hurry tuna salad” 

  • 1 can drained tuna
  • 1 tbs ken’s steak house lite ceaser dressing
  • A few shimmy shakes celery seed, black pepper, red pepper flakes
  • A big ole handful of ONIONS (I may be in a hurry, but there’s always time for a lil onion choppin’)
Tasty tuna
today's spread

Up close and stinky

I think I need to invest in some decorative plates and placemats for my photo shoots.  Maybe I can get my talented sister to contribute to this cause… 😉                       jmnpottery   

Man… I am craving cookies.

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