Seriously. Make this. Now.

Last weekend, I posted a super simple super quick recipe for the Ahmygawd Breakfast Sandwich.

Today, I made a repeat of that masterpiece with the addition of some Frank’s Red Hot:


I swear to you, this breakfast sandwich is eyes-roll-into-the-back-of-your-head delicious.


If you are a yolk lover like me (and a sausage lover for that matter) do yourself a favor and make this for breakfast.  Immediately! 


Stats on the life changer:  255 calories, 24g carbs, 10g fat, 20g protein, 3g fiber


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Ahmygawd Breakfast Sandwich

Yesterday morning, I was the picture of perfection and actually woke up at the time I had intended and did NOT sleep through my alarm for a solid hour.   Let’s hope I can keep this up all week!

I rolled out of bed, and headed straight to the gym for a 30 minute round-and-round on the hamster wheel…  elliptical.  Then, straight from the gym (in all my sweaty glory) to the grocery store to buy all my foods for the week.  Silly me forgot to pack a Luna bar or nourishment of any variety for my grocery conquest.

Bad news bears.

Needless to say, I was FAMISHED by the time I got home, and I was unfortunately facing a dilemma.  Issue #1:  I wanted eggs.  Hot and dippy with ooey gooey smooth-as-butter yolk.  Issue #2:  I was also craving sausage…. as in Mary’s special eggs.  I wanted yolk, but I wanted sausage.  And I’m not talking sausage on the side.  I’m talking sausage all up in my yolk.

It was at this precise moment that I concocted my PERFECT breakfast sandwich.  The best of both of my worlds.

The Ahmygawd Breakfast Sandwich.

First, I sautéed half of a Honeysuckle Hot Turkey Sausage link (casing removed) in a pan:


Hello sausage!  Ima eat you.


THEN I cracked an egg right on top of this mound of sausage:


The egg white dribbled down around the sausage and formed a glue to hold the whole shebang together.  Once the underside was cooked, I flipped her over:


Whattttttt?????  Insane.


And once that side was cooked (though not TOO cooked –we’re going for oozy yolk here) I slid the egg/sausage combo onto a toasted whole wheat English muffin:


World = Rocked.



Stats on the life changer:  255 calories, 24g carbs, 10g fat, 20g protein, 3g fiber

What you’ll need:

  • 1 link turkey or chicken sausage, casing removed
  • 1 egg
  • 1 English muffin
  • 5 minutes to eat your face off

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Strength Training & a Breakfast Sandwich

Last spring, I found a new love in running, and shortly thereafter I found out I have crappy knees that can’t handle too much impact.

Sadness…   Sad smile

Then, a few months back, I joined a gym.. That’s right, a gym.  And since then I’ve pretty much become BFF’s with the elliptical.  Feeling like a hamster is better than feeling like a sloth.  Am I right?

While it feels good to get some cardio in during the week, I noticed I’ve been feeling kind of weak lately.  Slightly feeble.  (could be the cold weather?)  Plus my posture has definitely declined in the past couple of years, and that is not a trend I’d like to continue on.

With all this weighing on my mind, in my down time over the past few weeks I’ve been working on putting together my first-ever strength training routine.  I’ve NEVER EVER been into weightlifting or any of the machines at the gym.  It’s just, well, too complicated.  Plus, I’m a numbers gal.  If I can’t see the numbers adding away right in front of my face, I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything.

So one morning, I tried out a few different exercises I found in the pile of fitness magazines I’ve been hoarding in my office and was immediately discouraged.  I just really didn’t know what I was doing, I had no plan of attack, and it felt like a big fat waste of time.

Well that is until I woke up the next morning and literally had to lift my legs out of the bed because they were so sore.  Perhaps it is possible that doing these silly strength training moves DOES actually impact your body…


The next day, I went through ALL of the fitness magazines I’ve been accumulating over the past year and snipped out the strength-training exercises that looked promising.  Using this data, I pieced together the exercises I actually understood and/or those that appeared somewhat feasible and that could be done in the comfort of my own home…

Thennnnn I found images and instructions for each exercise and then decided to take things to a whole new level of crazy by organizing all the data into a PowerPoint presentation.

What?  You don’t put your strength training workouts into PowerPoint?


Open-mouthed smile

After ALL of this research and organization, I had about 30 exercises but still no plan of attack.  I knew what the moves looked like, how to do them, and… well, that was about it.  So I sent my PowerPoint to the BF, who has a heck of a lot more experience in this area than I do, and asked him to please help me because I’m to the point of extreme frustration even though I had found pictures for each exercise, detailed descriptions, and picked out a really pretty color scheme!!!!



Pretty, right?

Luckily, he obliged and did help and also did agree that it was a pretty color scheme….  (your darn tootin it’s pretty) all while I got to work on breakfast!


Cue the turkey pepperoni breakfast sandwich please!

Easy peasy, I tell ya.  This is 1 egg seasoned with S&P topped with 4 slices turkey pepperoni and 1 tbsp reduced fat Mexican cheese:


My cheese was being stubborn and would not melt, so I popped a lid on for a bit to coerce it.

Mellllltttttt I say!


Then I slid the egg onto a toasted whole grain English muffin and added some Ketchup and some Franks Red Hot:


How ridiculously good does this look?




Get in my belly.


Smash em together:


Annnnddd the sandwich was gone 13 seconds later.

Stats on the sandwich:  221 calories, 31g carbs, 9g fat, 15g protein, 8g fiber

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