Pork with Sautéed Cider Apples {recipe}

When it comes to food, I have an extremely hard time making decisions.  I blame it on information overload, or rather, possibilities overload.  Between cookbooks, magazines, recipe sites, delicious blogs, and PINTEREST, it’s practically impossible to zero in on “the one.”

This week, like the loving gal I am, I pushed the horrible task of deciding what to make for dinner onto my boyfriend.  I handed him the latest issue of Cooking Light and asked him to pick out one recipe that we would then make for dinner.  He diligently flipped through the magazine, cover to cover, jotting down notes along the way, and then presented me with a list of not one but TEN recipes he’d like to try.

I appreciate the enthusiasm, but ten?!  So much for following instructions…

As inefficient as it sounds, this process was actually much faster than usual.  Plus, we hit the trifecta:  cheap, fast, and delicious.

Spiced Pork Tenderloin with Sautéed Apples

I’m not usually a big fan of mixing sweet and savory, but this combination of pork, apples, and onions was fantastic—the perfect fall meal.


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Roasted Parmesan Brussels Sprouts {recipe}

If you look at any list of most-hated vegetables, Brussels sprouts are at the top of the pack.  I don’t understand it!  When did Brussels sprouts get such a bad wrap?  Call me weird, but I even liked them as a kid–though, back then my step mom covered the sprouts (and all vegetables, for that matter) with a thick blanket of melted Velveeta cheese.  So, I’ve been eating Brussels sprouts since the 90’s, since before it was cool, that is, and mispronouncing the veggie just as long.   I mean, did you know there was an “s” at the end of “Brussel”?  It’s even more baffling than the first time I saw sprouts still attached to the stalk!  (If you have no clue what I’m talking about, check out this pic!).  CRAZY!

Brussels sprouts are one of my go-to vegetable sides, and this easy recipe resulted in the best batch of sprouts I’ve ever cooked.  Tender, slightly salty, and dusted with sharp Parmesan cheese.

parmesan brussel sprouts

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Fervent Foodie featured in Creative Loafing Magazine

Recently, Keia Mastrianni of Charlotte’s Creative Loafing magazine asked me how I define the word “foodie.”  Admittedly, I was a little frazzled by the question.  Define foodie?!  Let me counts the ways…  For me, “foodie” is all encompassing.  It’s me.  It’s my world.  It’s my everything.

Check out Keia’s article below, or click here to view a PDF version.

Update:  the article is also posted to the creative loafing website.


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Rugelach… Rugelwhat?

If you’re like me, each morning when you sit down at your desk  and open up your inbox you secretly hope to see one of THOSE emails.  They come with subjects like “Goodies in the kitchen!” or “Get it while it’s hot!” or simply “DOUGHNUTS.”  These are glorious emails:  ones that don’t result in agitation or stress or silent shaking of an angry fist at the monitor.  These emails confirm your department has, in fact, employed an angel, and the treats–be they muffins, homemade cookies, or (if you’re really lucky) the GOOD bagels–turn what might otherwise be a monotonous beginning to the daily grind into a full out PARTAYYY.

OK, maybe not a partayyy, per se, but they definitely make everyone a lot more smiley throughout the day.

Today, we got one of these very emails letting us know there were “rugelachs” in the library for our eating pleasure.  Rugelachs?  The library?!  Yes, we have a library chock full of old tax filings and millions of pages of decaying tax code and free rugelachs.  My first though was, rugelach?  What the heck is that?  I pounced from my desk to the library, camera in hand, all the while asking myself–what is a rugelach?!

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Spaghetti Squash with Feta Cheese and Tomatoes {easy recipe}

When it comes to squash, spaghetti squash is my favorite.  Granted, it took me a while to master how to halve a spaghetti squash without losing a finger, but I now enjoy a big plate of faux spaghetti (injury free) at least twice a week during squash season.  98.7% of the time, I top my squash with marinara.  It’s not very creative, but it gets the job done PLUS it temporarily satisfies my persistent pasta cravings.

Tonight, after channeling my inner Arnold at body pump, I was ravenous.  I could already feel the signs:  tightness in my shoulders, tingling in my arms, and weak in the knees.  Why, hello, low blood sugar, we meet again!   Luckily, I pre-cooked a spaghetti squash last night (halved, then baked in a 375 degree for 20 minutes).  Bonus points for thinking ahead, but sadly I neglected the absence of  marinara fixin’s in my pantry.

Dang!  Time to get creative!

spaghetti squash with feta

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