Friday eats

Sooooooo… it has been FOR-EV-ER since I last posted about workday breakfast-breakfast-lunch.  I guess I just got bored posting about the same things over and over again.  But today, I figured what the heck.  It’s Friday.  Let’s do this.

Breakfast #1

Mary’s oh-so-special eggs!

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I absolutely adore this B#1 every day!  Sausage, eggs, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, spinach, and garlic?  Come on!

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Don’t forget the dollop of ketchup of course 🙂

 Stats on 1 Servings of my Special Eggs (sans ketchup):  189 Calories,  9g carbs,  9g fat, 23g protein, 1g fiber



Breakfast #2


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I was in the grocery store the other day and ALMOST bought some strawberries so I could make overnight oats… But it’s so stinkin cold outside that I couldn’t bring myself to do it.  Man I miss them 🙁   So for today, it was standard microwaved quick oats with cinnamon and brown sugar… maybe my OO’s will make a return next week!

 Stats on 1 Servings of oats:  165 Calories,  31g carbs,  3g fat, 5g protein, 4g fiber


And that brings us to LUNCH.  Mini cheesy meat loaf and a yumlicious side salad with Newman’s Light balsamic dressing:

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Maybe it’s a midwest thing….. but I seriously adore meatloaf. 

It’s comforting. 

It’s meaty. 

It brings me unfettered joy. 

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Stats on 1 mini cheesy meatloaf:  350 calories, 19g carbs, 17g fat (red meat, folks), 29g protein, 1g fiber

So what’s on everyone’s agenda this weekend?  Here’s what I’ll be up to:

  • Eyebrow wax this evening (fun Friday night activity, no?)
  •  Seriously.  I’m living in filth.
  • Work.
  • Get some of my friends and family tax returns done… oh the joys of being a tax accountant
  • Buy the BF a bday present… I’m thinking outlet mall!
  • Possibly venturing out on a Luna Bar quest.  Must find the new flavors STAT!
  • Super Bowl of course!  Bring on the cheese!



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What could possibly be  better than having an outrageously good looking boyfriend?  Having an outrageously good lookin boyfriend who likes to cook, of course 😉  I don’t call him Man Candy for nothin’ (scroll to the bottom of this page for the story behind the nickname).

Anytime the BF offers to cook, I’m MORE than happy to oblige.  Lucky for me, he offered to cook us dinner Tuesday night 😀

On the menu for the evening was some Italian crusted chicken over penne with a spicy red sauce.  First up, the chicken breasts were covered with the contents of an Italian dressing packet along with some garlic powder and onion powder:


Making sure every inch of the chicken was covered with Italian goodness: DSCF3671

Then he popped the chickies into a 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes–until the chicken was cooked through and was nice and golden brown:


Slicin’ up the goods:


Jarrod is the most precise chopper I’ve ever known.


Chicken + spicy red sauce (with onions of course) + whole wheat penne + parmesan = HEAVEN.  Oh and don’t forget the garlic breadstick!


We also cooked up some Jalapeno Popper spread for movie snackin’


We L-O-V-E dips.  LOVE them I say.  (We used fat free sour cream in place of the mayo on the original recipe)


As I’m typing this post, I am actually on the airplane to New Orleans (my bday present from the MC).  Expect LOTS of delicious food pictures, and more than our fair share of Italian feasts over the next few days 🙂 🙂 🙂

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Loaded Joetato

When I first graduated college and entered “the real world” cooking was not exactly my forte.  Typically, I’d pick one to two meals for the workweek, purchase all the ingredients on Sunday, and then eat the same thing for dinner for the next five days.  Can we say blasé? 

Add this lack of knowledge in the cooking-for-one field to my pure disgust for all things raw-meat and you end up with a meal plan that looks something like this:

  • Spaghetti with red sauce and garlic bread
  • Chicken quesadillas (using pre-cooked rotisserie chicken, of course)
  • Ravioli with red sauce and garlic bread
  • Egg salad
  • Macaroni and cheese (and garlic bread if I was feelin festive)
  • Ice cream
  • Anddddd repeat.

After a few months of this monotony, I started to branch out…. to every local restaurant within walking distance that is.  The food was FABULOUS, and the weight gain was… well… FLABULOUS.

Fast-forward a few years.  I started to realize that Olive Garden take-out wasn’t the best option for my wallet.  And while the Chop House in Cleveland has THEE MOST AMAZING MASHED POTATOES and Fat Fish Blue has fried pickles with hot sauce that rock my friggin socks off, these weren’t the best options for dinner every night of the week. 


I love multi-purpose ingredients, but I HATE eating the same foods day in and day out.  So how the heck do you eat healthy delicious meals but avoid having to eat the same foods over and over and over again?  This is about the time I started batch-cooking basic ingredients to have on hand throughout the week to toss into whatever random concoctions I decided to make each night after work.  Additionally, I changed my approach to grocery shopping.  Rather than buying ingredients for a specific recipe (that undoubtedly made 6+ servings), I simply started purchasing fresh produce and ingredients that LOOKED tasty and then worked on incorporating those things I really liked into as many different concoctions as I could.

And I FORCED myself to get over my repulsion for raw meat.  At first I handled all raw meat with two sets of tongs…  Even this method led to sporadic dry heaving…  Can you picture forming a hamburger with two sets of tongs?!  Trust me… it ain’t easy.

In my house, Sundays are for cooking.  Every Sunday, I cook up breakfast for the entire workweek, wash and chop veggies, batch-cook chicken breasts or turkey sausage, and roast up some veggies.  Not only does this make healthy eating during the week super easy, but it also cuts down on my work-week cooking time. 


So where does this lovely story take us?  It takes us to a Loaded Joetato.  Feast your eyes on this puppy:


This Loaded Joetato consisted of my leftover healthified sloppy joes atop 1 medium sized potato topped off with some fat free sour cream and chopped onion leftover from my chicken quesadilla and some roasted broccoli leftover from my Sunday cookfest.

Ohhhhh Joe. 

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Cheeseless Quesadilla?

What do you call a cheeseless quesadilla?

Is it just a dilla?  What about a cheeseless quesadilla with beans?  A habadilla? 

Something to ponder…

Quesadillas are one of my favorite fast-fix dinners.  I put a lot of random things in my quesadillas, and I’m convinced that you can sandwich pretty much anything in between a tortilla, throw it on the george foreman grille, and have near instant glory in your mouth.

Take this dinner for example.  I started off with 1 Tumaro’s low carb tortilla topped, 1/4 cup fat-free refried beans and 2 ounces grilled chicken:


Plus 1/2 a cup of frozen calabacita mixed veggies that I defrosted in the microwave:


5 minutes of quality time with the george:


Naked quesadilla:


Veggies for toppin’


Add 2 tbsp of fat-free sour cream and you have yourself magnificence on a plate!


Stats on the habadilla:  264 calories, 38g carbs, 3g fat, 33g protein, 12g fiber


 Mmmmmm beans……  Love them.


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Back to the normal routine

Even with the big tax deadline behind me, my schedule is crazy hectic.  What’s up with that???  Wednesday for instance is a VERY busy day for me because I go straight from the office to the university for the class I teach.  This requires ample food-planning on Tuesday nights because I have to pack 6 meals.  6 meals?!?  Yes 6.  Take today for instance, here’s what I packed last night for the day ahead:

  • B#1:  Scrambled eggs & roasted broccoli
  • B#2:  Overnight oats + chopped strawberries + blueberries
  • Lunch:  Big ole Salad + Jennie O’ Turkey Sausage
  • Snack:  Granny smith apple
  • Dinner:  Chicken & hummus wrap + cucumber salad
  • Snack: 1/2 of an 18 Rabbits granola bar

I like to travel with food apparently 🙂

One thing I’ve been craving the past few weeks is getting back to my normal foods routine! 

You know what that means:


EGGS for breakfast #1!

Last night, I cooked up a batch of my scrambled eggs:


I also roasted up some broccoli which I enjoyed at 8am at my desk with a dollop o’ heaven Ketchup:


Of course, this was followed up 2 hours later by none other than my overnight oats for B#2:



My lunch salad consisted of romaine lettuce, 1/2 a large cucumber, 1 baby roma tomato, some red onion, banana pepper and Ken’s steakhouse Lite Italian Romano dressing:

I also had a Jennie O’ turkey sausage on the side…

Is it just me, or does that sausage look really sad?! … A sausage with no bun is like a bird with no wings eggs with no ketchup!  Luckily I had a monster Italian sausage sandwich over the weekend 😀

After the 2PM doldrums pass, it’s time for a snack!  My usual afternoon snack is a granny smith apple:

Usually my snacks go unpictured.  But today, I’m snapping everything that goes into my mouth 🙂 Uh oh. 

Fun fact about me and apples:  I REFUSE to buy an apple unless the stem is still attached.  An apple sans stem is a clear indicator that a worm has crawled inside…. I’m pretty sure my sister told me that as a child, and it has stuck with me through the years.  I may look funny in the produce aisle as I pick up one apple after another to find one that still has the stem attached, but guess who WON’T be looking funny when they bite into a worm?  It won’t be me, that’s for darn sure!  😉

For dinner, I packed some cucumber salad:

And also a La Tortilla low-carb wrap consisting of 2 ounces grilled chicken, onion, and 1 tbsp Trader Joe’s original hummus:

Come to think of it, I probably should have avoided so many onions right before class… Oh well, they don’t call me the Onion Lady for nothin’. :mrgreen:


Last my not least, I packed 1/2 of an 18 Rabbits granola bar (thanks Dorry!) for my late-night snack:

Whew!  That’s a lot of food! 

Happy Eating and Happy Hump Day!

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