10 Calorie Iced Mocha (yes, really).

The other day, I came home to THIS on my doorstep:



This goodie box was sent to me as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker program with Godiva Coffee.


It’s the simple things in life, I tell ya.

It’s been so stinkin hot, that I figured I could put the Godiva Chocolate Truffle coffee to good use by making some iced coffee.  Give me iced coffee and a straw and you’ll have yourself an empty glass in approximately 13 seconds.

Early in the morning, I brewed up a big ole pot of the Chocolate Truffle coffee, and proceed to drink 2 glasses of it hot.  I couldn’t get over the strong chocolate smell!  I put the rest of the pot into the fridge to chill out, and it made the whole fridge smell like delicious cocoa.

Later that afternoon, I filled a glass halfway with ice:


Then added 6 ounces of the brewed coffee, plus 1 packet of no-cal sweetener, plus 2 ounces of some fat-free unsweetened vanilla almond milk (the kind I buy is 40 calories a cup).


Isn’t it pretty?


All mixed up:


10 calories to caffeinated joy!


If you are feeling extra sassy, you could even add a squirt of your favorite chocolate syrup to the mix.  Your call my friend. Your call.   😉  


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A day of unplanned meandering.

I woke up this morning with no specific agenda.  I had a list of things to do, but no specific order or priorities or timeframe to complete them in.  Honestly, I can’t remember the last time this has happened to me.  How did I get to this point of continuous overscheduling, overplanning, and overbooking?  I am SO over it.  Prior to moving to Charlotte, I envisioned every day being like today:  a day full of unplanned meandering about the city.  Days filled with simple things like walking around and trying restaurants.  Meeting people.  Talking food.

I realize wanting EVERY day to be this way is unrealistic.  But how about EVERY weekend day?  Is that too much to hope for?

I laid in bed for a while thinking about all the possibilities of the day, before heading out on my Sunday run.  The Charlotte area had some crazy flash flooding on Friday, and the park behind my condo was literally under five feet of water!  Thankfully the water has resided, but the whole area is basically a giant cow chip now.  So, I decided to hit the city streets and explore some neighborhoods I don’t usually get to by foot.

After my run, shower, breakfast, and lazy time, I headed out to take some exterior photos of restaurants I’m planning to write reviews of this week.  I played restaurant stalker for a while, got a few disapproving looks from various restaurant patrons (ahhh the life of a food writer *sigh*), then headed to Central Coffee Co. to try out their goods and take advantage of their free wifi.

Can I just say, I love coffee shops.

There are always interesting people around at coffee shops.  People chatting and people who don’t want to chat at all <me>.  People seeking inspiration <me> and people who just exude creativity.

I also love coffee shops for the fresh brewed coffee (obv.) and endless supply of tasty treats to sample (double obv.).

When I arrived at Central Coffee Co, I found a random seeming building that sure didn’t look like much from the outside.  It sits at the corner of Central Avenue and Louise and has a tiny awkward parking lot.  I wasn’t getting a good vibe as I walked up to the door, and I was almost hesitant to go inside.


Right when I opened the doors, that comforting smell a freshly ground coffee beans washed over me and I realized that the inside of this unassuming coffee shop told a completely different story.  The shop was very long and narrow inside, with one wall of exposed brick running the entire length.


The walls were lined with a handful of small tables, mismatched chairs, and a swanky sitting area complete with white leather chairs near the fireplace.

I eyeballed their large selection of bakery treats, not sure which to go with.  When I asked the barista how the zucchini bread was, he got a big smile on his face and said it was “awesome.”  When the employees get excited about the food, that’s when you KNOW it’s good.


I went with my standard small black French Roast coffee (I’m hardcore like that) and a slice of that vegan zucchini bread, then grabbed one of the tables along the brick wall.  Not only did they have free wi-fi, but they also had ample plugs for laptop charging = very happy blogger.


I sat back in my chair took a long sip of my coffee, and soaked in every ounce of this place that I could.  Every sight, smell, and sound.  The music was playing at the perfect decibel, and the barista stood at the counter, head bobbing to the rhythm, waiting for patrons in need of service.  Strangers were sitting by the fireplace trading their top restaurant picks and their desires to try newly opened spots.  The lights were dim and unabrasive, one of which was perfectly placed over my table.  Occasionally, I would hear the coffee grinder buzz in the distance and that familiar smell would waft back over towards my table.  I sat typing away on my computer and snapping random photos for a while before sitting back and savoring the zucchini bread.  Every bite of the bread exuded intense cinnamon flavor.  It was moist and slightly sticky, which made the crumbs hug my fork begging to be eaten.  And I obliged.


As I relished my coffee, I realized this whole place was speaking to me.  From the chalkboard menus on the walls, to the exposed beam ceilings and warehouse style air ducts.  And of course, there was the giant biscotti perched in a glass jar on the counter. There was just something about this place.

Something right.  


I think I found my new spot. Smile

Central Coffee Co. on Urbanspoon


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A different kind of taco meat.

Mexican food = my fav.

Ok, maybe it’s second fav (right after Italian)… but it’s pretty high on the things I’d like to eat this very moment list, that is fo sure.

Whenever I make tacos at home, I always go with ground turkey or ground beef and a packet of taco seasoning.  It’s tasty and super duper easy, of course, but it can get a teensy bit boring week after week.

Then I stumbled across this Cooking Light recipe for Chicken and Black Bean Stuffed Burritos.

Enter totally tasty un-boring taco meat:


This was pretty darn easy to pull together, and the meat is tasty and versatile.  Perfect for busy season batch cookin!

All you need to do is combine the following together in a saucepan and bring to a boil:

  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper

Once it boils, stir in 1/4 cup of sliced green onions and 1 pound of shredded chicken – you could use rotisserie chicken, but I just grilled a large chicken breast up on the George and gave it a good shred using two forks.

And just like that, the meat is done!

I planned to make a burrito, but the tortillas I had at home were teeny tiny so I decided a quesadilla was the way to go:


This is 1/4 of the chicken:


A top a Trader Joe’s Low carb tortilla:


Plus 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup fresh salsa, and 2 tbsp fat-free cheddar cheese:


Then I tossed another tortilla on top, and popped that puppy back on the George.  I let it hang out on the grill until it was crispy and the cheese was melty, then I sliced the quesadilla up and served it up with a dollop of plain Greek yogurt (FABULOUS sour cream substitute):


So yummy!


Stats on the quesadilla:  350 calories, 36g carbs, 7g fat, 42g protein, 17g fiber

The next night, I decided to use up some of the leftover chicken by making a huge arse salad.  I used 4 ounces of the chicken and all the same toppers as I did with the quesadilla and just threw everything a top a bed of mixed greens:


Hello two totally tasty totally healthy dinners that DO NOT taste like cardboard!  I truly believe you can throw ANYTHING on top of lettuce and call it a salad 🙂

Stats on one giant salad: 275 calories, 19g carbs, 4g fat, 35g protein, 5 fiber

So in summary, this meat was just as easy to cook up as ground meat, but had a TOTALLY different taste.  And it was delish on tacos, quesadillas, salads.  Two thumbs up in my book!


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Pizza randomness

Soon after first meeting the BF, we bonded over our mutual love of cheesy niblets.  After perfecting our buffalo chicken dip recipe, we moved on to make THIS our favorite Friday night feast:


As a kid, pizza was one of my favorite dinners. When mom or dad would come home exhausted from their days, too tired to cook, with just enough energy to utter the words “let’s just order pizza for dinner” my heart would pitter patter with excitement as an uncontrollable cheshire-cat style smile spread across my face.

Pizza was cause for celebration in my family, and back in the day I was a straight up pepperoni and cheese gal.

Red heart Pepperoni and Cheese Red heart

I remember the day I got my braces.  I was 13 years ripe, and I think my dad felt bad that I was in so much pain… Or perhaps he felt bad because he had just assisted in adding more metal to his poor teenage daughters head (as if my GIANT glasses were not enough).

So, in an attempt to cheer up his little girl, he decided we’d order pizza from our favorite hole in the wall pizzeria for dinner.  I remember opening that steaming box and seeing the thick pepperonis all curled up into little cups of grease heaven, and that amazing pizza smell that made the pain suddenly start to melt away.  I was so excited, so high from the pizza induced endorphins, that I grabbed a slice and chomped down without hesitation.

I remember the horror that immediately washed over me as I ripped my hand back from my mouth like a kid who’d just high-fived a hot stove as I burst into tears.  My newly bedazzled mouth was too sore to eat the pizza.  Too sore to enjoy the crunch of that buttery crust or the spice of the pepperoni.  Too sore to even nibble on the oozing cheese.  Through my tears, my dad and I painstakingly cut the pizza into pebble sized swallowable bites and I proceeded to toss them into my mouth followed by long swigs of Coke like a real pizza pill poppin addict.

Why was adolescence so cruel?!


Yes… that just happened.

But let us focus on what’s important here.


It brings people together.

It puts a sparkle of happiness in your eyes and warm and fuzzies in your belly.

Heck, it even puts hair on your face.


Hahahaha… That’s my nephew Dylan.  LOVE that pic.  He’s almost 13 now… and sadly, no longer a pirate.

I can count on one hand — strike that — one FINGER the number of people I’ve met in my life who did not adore pizza.  (crazy man, that Tim is)

Pizza is the jam.  The cat’s meow.  The shiznit, if you will.

A couple years back, my sister and I were brainstorming ideas for a Father’s Day present for our dad.  We decided we would take dad out to lunch to the restaurant of his choice.  Mexican or seafood or a big Italian feast.  Whatever his heart desired.

When we presented him with his present, he got a big smile of his face and then told us where he’d like to go.  10116_709197216164_23305880_41001277_853689_n

Cici’s Pizza Buffet.


Sometimes all a father really wants is to pig out with his children at the pizza buffet Smile

I haven’t been to CiCis Pizza Buffet since then, which is very sad given how enamored I was with their macaroni and cheese pizza…  So wrong, but SO right!

When I was contacted a couple weeks back about doing a giveaway for Cici’s, I HAD to jump on it (in secret hopes that my one of my siblings will win a free pizza buffet for my pa, of course).

Here’s the scoop:  CiCi’s Pizza Family Funtacular summer scratch and win contest runs through August 28.  The scratch off tickets give you the opportunity to win movie tickets, family fun packs, children’s movie tickets, CiCi’s gift cards, free buffets, carry-out pizzas and beverages.

Oh man… my dad would LOVE LOOOOVE to win this….

Grand prize for two lucky families: an all-expense paid trip for four to Universal Orlando Resort Vacation…. Ok… Shut the front door!!!  Now I really REALLY hope one of my siblings win!

I have SIX scratch off tickets to give away, and I’ll send them ALL to the winner.  TWO ways to enter:  1.) leave a comment (or link) on this post with your favorite pizza topping or recipe AND 2.) Follow me on Twitter @Fervent_Foodie!

I’ll use a random # generator to select a winner Sunday at midnight!


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He cooks as good as he looks.

What could be better than a home cooked meal?    DSCF6881

Strike that.  What could be better than a home cooked nutritionally well-balanced meal?


Correction:  A home cooked nutritionally balanced meal for which your only task is to sip cabernet and take candid photos?


I don’t mean to brag, but I’m really really good at sipping cabernet 😉


OK… I lied.  There’s one more task:  to oogle over the chef’s giant cannons. 


Is it just me, or does his head look small next to that thing?!

And not to brag (AGAIN), but this is what it looks like when the BF slices the veggies for our salads: 


Yes… I’m serious.

If you are feeling SUPER nice, you could set the table.  But it’s your call, really. 


All tagether nah:


More eye candy for your viewing pleasure:


I LOVE beans on salads.


But I REALLY REALLY love pasta:


And spicy chicken sausage:


Any tomato sauce with cheesy noodly goodness:


Now, how do I convince him to get to work in the kitchen EVERY night?


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