The weekend in recap

I blame my lack of posting over the weekend on my hatred for my camera.  I hate my camera so much, that I actually use my iphone camera to take my pics (i.e., no zoom, no flash).  Horrid. 

Friday night I had the luxury of enjoying what has become a post-workweek ritual:  pizza and hot sauce… mmmmmmm… 

The remnants of one divine dinner

Of course we had to top this off with a second course  which consisted of even more cheese, more hot sauce, and more deliciousness in the form of BUFFALO CHICKEN DIP.  MMMMM!  


Lunch on saturday = mary’s mock up italian sub in wrap formation: 

Always cures that oven baked sub craving

This Italian wrap usually consists of deli turkey and ham, onions, tomatoes, banana peppers, a few sprinkles of fat free Italian dressing, and some hottttttt sauce (cue the Frank’s or leftover gionino’s hot sauce goodness).  I like the light Italian Flat-Out wraps because they are more substantial that regular tortillas and quite tasty. 


Made some 7 layer bars for the fam picnic (just used the Ghiradelli recipe) 


I also consumed nearly half of the aforementioned cinnamon toast crunch and lots of other goodies that were unfortunately not captured due to my crappy camera situation.  Do I buy a new point and shoot camera, or do I hold off til I can buy a digital SLR camera?  Hmmmm…

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