How co-workers can make or break your workday

After running lunch errands the other day, I returned to my desk to see:


My very first Operation-You-Are-Awesome post-it! 😉

Not only am I awesome, but…. 


Now you’re just giving me a big head… and lord knows my head is already abnormally large…

 And what’s that in my drawer of random food and junk?


 Come closeeerrrr:


Haha…. why thank you.  Given the amount of food I keep at my desk, you’d think I was an even bigger deal… 

Miss June? 


Never gets old!

And under the giant container of oats I keep at my desk:


42 ounces of oats at your fingertips at all times = necessary.

And my personal favorite was found in my top desk drawer…


What, you don’t keep 50 single serve packets of blackberry preserves in your desk??


I surrrrrre do 😀

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