Overnight Oats for Dummies

Overnight oats are cold, creamy, and absolutely friggin delicious, especially in the summer time.  I get more questions on overnight oats than on any other topic/food/recipe on this blog. I attribute this to the exquisite palates of my readers.  Given the confusion, I thought I’d do an “overnight oats for dummies” post.. not implying that any of you are dummies, just that a dummy would be able to follow these extremely thorough instructions.

First up, the oats.


You can use any oats that you like.  My preference is for quick oats because they turn out with a fabulous creamy consistency, but I’ve also enjoyed rolled oats and muesli.  I usually go with 1/2 a cup of oats, but you can use more or less depending on your liking.

KEY TO SUCCESS #1:  These oats are uncooked, straight from the container.

Oaty goodness:


Options for Oats:  Quick Oats, Rolled Oats, Muesli, Steel Cut Oats, etc.

Second, the liquid.

I favor Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk.


I tend to use equal parts of liquid to oats (typically 1/2 a cup of each).


KEY TO SUCCESS #2:  The more liquid you use, the runnier your oats will be, conversely the less liquid you use the thicker your oats will be.  Thank you freshman year physics class.


Options for liquid:  regular cow milk (MOO!), yogurt, etc.

Third, sweetener if you so choose.

I like to add a tsp of brown sugar to my oats.


Options for sweetener:  a packet of Truvia, Jam or Preserves, Honey, etc.


KEY TO SUCCESS #3:  Keep your eye on the prize and don’t get overly excited and accidently spill valuable OO goodness as I did.  Don’t worry.  I licked it all up 😉

Fourth, overnight mixins.

My standard oats only have 1 overnight mixin:  CINNAMON


Just because I’m boring, doesn’t mean you have to be.  The options are ENDLESS.  Here are some ideas:  Nut butter, chia seeds, granola, chocolate chips, protein powder, PB2, yogurt, nuts, raisins, fresh or frozen fruits – think berries, melons, cherries, bananas, etc.

Fifth, quality time with the fridge.

I’ve said it many a time on the blog:  overnight oats are like a gift to yourself.  You prep this little bundle of joy the night before, and it’s just ready and waiting for you in the morning…  Like a sweet little puppy… That you eat.

Moving on…


KEY TO SUCCESS #4:  Be a good little girl and don’t eat your oats for a midnight snack.

Sixth, fresh mixins.

The next morning, the oats will be nice and thick and creamy:


I had to crop this photo because just looking at these oats made me drool all over my desk.

You can mix in ANYTHING ya want to these oats!  See the list of ideas under the overnight mixins for inspiration. Other ideas include cereal (add this in the AM so it doesn’t get soggy) and cookies (if you have a ramped sweet tooth like me).

My preference is to add some fresh fruit:


Sometimes I go with fresh strawberries:


Let’s be honest, I ALWAYS go with fresh strawberries… DSCF2876

Sometimes I go for the fresh blueberries:


And if I’m feeling spunky, I go for both:


Apparently I feel spunky 97% of the time 🙂

Whatever mixins you choose, give it a good mix:


Then, put you face super close to the bowl and admire the overnight oats in all their glory:DSCF2892

The overnight oats are eaten COLD… so all that’s left to do is eat your little heart out!


I’d like to end this tutorial with a photo montage of some of my favorite OO’s.

Please close your eyes and imagine sappy graduation music playing (for your completion of the tutorial, of course), then proceed.


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Overnight Oats—YOU… COMPLETE ME.  <3 <3 <3

I hope you feel OO inspired :mrgreen:

BTW – I updated my About Me page.  Constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated!  FerventFoodie@gmail.com.

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  1. Oh how I cannot wait to try this. This would be PERFECT to make for the kiddo’s to have in the morning before school. Especially since they are up and out the door before 7am. I can also make up little containers that they can take with them and eat once they get to school. Oh, you have no idea how much I enjoy Fervent Foodie. Mary, you ARE the best! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Uuggg, I have had SO many overnight oats fails!! Usually it’s just cold and mushy, and not even slathering it on PB and chocolate can fix it (okay, that’s an exaggeration, we all know PB and chocolate solves everything). I will say though, I’ve only so far done it with yogurt, and I think that’s why it’s always so gross and mushy! I promise I will try it again with just almond milk 🙂 Be honest though… don’t you ever get the least bit tempted to stick it in the microwave?? 😛

    1. Yes please try again with the almond milk! I LOVE them cold, but I think once the weather changes I’ll go back to eating warm oats. Something about the cold oats is SO REFRESHING on a hot day!

  3. soooo, dumb question….you eat them cold right? no warming them up?!?

    the peanut butter mix in sounds fab…..or the strawberries….delish!

  4. I finally tried it the other night/morning (and before this tutorial) by mixing 1/2 cup oats with a container of yogurt, enough skim milk to nearly fill the empty yogurt container, and some unsweetened frozen berries . . . not so great. I’m going to try it again tonight with the 1:1 ratio suggested in your tutorial plus brown sugar–my favorite thing with oats. I hope it turns out better and has a more oaty texture!

  5. I am scuffing down a bowl of OO’s right now ……… DE-LISH !!! I’m a first timer to OO’s and I LUV them. My mix ……. oats soaked in Rice Dream Vanilla Rice Milk, topped with dates and blueberry Craisins. Next morning I topped it with a banana, diced peaches and diced apples. Absolutely Yum-Yum-YUMMIE !!!!

  6. I’m trying these tomorrow morning! Didn’t have any milk, so I only used Greek yogurt with quick oats. I did a 1:1 ratio with brow sugar, honey and cinnamon. We’ll see what it’s like tomorrow morning!!

  7. I don’t like milk and we only have whole milk in the house for my toddlers.. So I was going to make this with 6 oz fat fee yogurt. Would you use half cup of oats? Think it will still turn out okay? I’ll experiment with it but wanted your thoughts 🙂 thanks!

  8. This is so cute! Your style of writing is adorable and made me smile all the way through the reading 🙂 I especially like that you clarified which types of oats can be used because I wasn’t sure if I could use quick oats or not. I’m off to try my first overnight recipe. Thanks!

  9. These look so yummy and I need extra time in the morning. Can they be warmed up in the morning or world that be bad. I like warm oatmeal, especially on gloomy, rainy and cold morning, like this morning.

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